Various angles as point of view to improve photography


Hello! Photoartists. How are you? Today I am going to discuss about various angles or point of view (POV) against a subject.
The first and foremost criterion of subject is to shoot from an unexpected angle. A bird’s eye view or an ant’s view gives you an extra ordinary result of a daily life picture. We the general people see a subject in our standing or sitting on a solid area. It is a very usual or normal view.
So, when you take this normal picture with a varied angle enhance the impression in the pictures.
A powerful POV is “becoming the subject.” It helps to describe the angle of the subject. It gives you a flavor of shoot from the subject’s angle. For example, an artist takes a picture where his/her subject is in front of the easel. Shoot the picture just behind the painter and set the angle in such a way where viewers feel that he/she is the painter.

  1. Shooting from Bird’s POV: Here the subject allows the viewer to feel as superior or convey a sense of protection. It is quite unusual angle and viewer find the maximum working area. It is also known as top view format. The overall architecture will be visible clearly. It is an angle at a perpendicular plane to hat subject. Here perspective is lost.
  2. Shooting from the Ant’s POV: This shot helps the viewer to feel that situation is in controlled format. The ground shot tells a different story for a usual subject. This POV has been flowed throughout the history. For example, the throne of the king, judge chair, sage for performing is placed in a higher position from the viewers POV. This is also an unusual POV.
  3. Eye POV: This shot helps the viewer to connect himself/herself emotionally with the subject. The reaction is spontaneous and instantly. When we are at eye level with a subject, we personify that subject – even if it not a human being. Shooting at eye level also allows you to see more of the subject than shooting downward or upward or even from the side would allow. The expression of the subject is much more accountable than other angles. The expression looks natural as he/she views normally a subject. This shot also makes necessary corrective measurement of distortion, perspective of angle and so on.
  4. Child POV: This shot also known as lower waist level POV. You can find so many articles in internet about waist level photography and its techniques. It helps to click a subject without viewing from the viewfinder. This POV is mostly user in street photography. But here I want to click a picture little bend down and put the lens level to waist. Here the subject is generally in the centre of the frame and more breathing space between top and bottom areas. It is a little bit odd angle from the eye POV.
  5. Low angle POV: This POV involves by placing the camera below the subject. It gives an attractive result about the subject. It shows the subject taller. Most graduate school model’s shot use it for enhancing and more appealing in the composition toward the audience. A distorted look or cartoon type picture helps more with low level POV too.
  6. High angle POV: This POV shows the above from the usual angle of subject. It diminishes the importance of the subject among the other components of the subject.

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