How to use of white balance in photography


White balance (WB) is a process through which we can detect white color as white. It set forth the opposite color to the image to bring back the true color of the object. It can be found in the present day’s camera as a tool. It helps the photographers to rectify the color temperature and implement the true colors on the objects.

white balance indoor
Indoor white balance

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Color temperature and white balance

Now, the question appears to our mind is about color temperature. It is the color of light emitted in a non-reflective body at a particular temperature. Color temperature is the temperature at which a black body absorb all frequencies of light and emit the same color of a given object.

I use Nikon D500 with white balance in AWB mode. There are more options available in it. Based on options, I clicked some pictures of my daughter, Biyas. All are indoor shoots with natural window light.

Color temperature is a useful description of light for photographers. The researchers help the camera industries and photographers to give some general light conditions which emit in the black bodies. Hence, a rule of thumb guide of those general light sources is properly measured. The measurement unit is known as Kelvin(K).

white balance studio
White balance in studio
white balance indoor
White balance indoor
Source of lightTemperature of color
Match Flame1000 – 2000k
Candle Flame1800 – 1930k
Sunrise / Sunset (clear sky)2000 – 3000k
Tungsten Bulb (Household variety)2500 – 2900k
Tungsten Bulb (500W to 1K)3000k
Fluorescent Lamps3200 – 7500k
Electronic Flash / Standard Day Light / CRT Light5000 – 5500k
Daylight with Clear Sky (Sun overhead)5000 – 6500k
Moderately Overcast Sky / Common Fluorescent Lamps 6500 – 8000k
Shade or Heavy Overcast Sky / Purple Light9000 – 1000k
Color temperature of light

Kelvin and temperature color

British physicist William Kelvin heated a block of carbon and it spread various colors in different temperatures. The black carbon glows with dim red. Temperature increases and the carbon turns into yellow. In maximum temperature the color glows with white-blue. Kelvin scale starts from zero or -273 degree centigrade.

lord kelvin
Lord Kelvin
white balance kelvin temp
Kelvin temperature chart

A mathematical equation that gives the relationship between the Celsius and Kelvin scales is [ K = 0C + 273 ]. This scale is also called SI scale of temperature. It is mostly used by the scientific community.

Note: The Kelvin scale is the temperature scale that uses the Kelvin to denote the magnitude of the temperature. The Kelvin is the SI base unit of temperature as suggested by the International System of Units (SI).

white balance kelvin no degree
kelvin and degree

The lower standard point on this scale is 273K and upper standard point is 373K. There 273 divisions below lower standard point. Its 0K is equal to -273oC. To convert Celsius temperature to kelvin temperature following formulas is used. For example, 300C = (30+273) = 303K.


White balance is a process through which we can detect white color as white. It set forth the opposite color to the image to bring back the true color of the object.

White balance and camera presets

Though it is not the accurate measurement to bring out the true color from an object, but it minimizes the maximum color cast.

White balance Presets in cameraDescriptions
SunnyPhotographers can set this white balance for rectifying morning and mid-afternoon sun light color from the object.
ShadePhotographers can set this white balance for rectifying an amount of dark color from object.
CloudyPhotographers can set this white balance for rectifying outdoor overcast light from the object.
FlashPhotographers can set this white balance for rectifying camera speedlights and popup flashes from the object.
IncandescentPhotographers can set this white balance for rectifying indoor shots with standard warm blubs from the object.
FluorescentPhotographers can set this white balance for rectifying indoor shots with fluorescent bulbs, tube or lamp from the object.
White balance and camera presets

White balance and manual mode

The experienced photographers may set their camera’s white balance with a specific kelvin to get the exact color from the object. They can increase or decrease the kelvin intentionally to give an extra effect in their composition. If you want to get the neutral color, then set the K to the exact color temperature of indoor or outdoor. For a warmer look, set the K higher than the color of indoor/outdoor color temperature and for cooler color, set K lower than the indoor/outdoor color of the light.

Auto white balance mode

white balance shabari
AWB and multi light in Indian Dance-Drama Shabari

After a through survey and research work, the camera industries incorporate algorithms to get the true color of the object. It gives a satisfactory result from multiple light sources like a combination of artificial light and sun light. It gives a tends to perfect result to measure various sources of light, combine them and produce an average color temperature. In maximum cases auto white balance (AWB) is the ultimate than judging light sources and then frame and capture the moment. In dance/concert, street photography, measuring a kelvin based on light condition, it is obvious you will capture the next moment of the artist or street scene.

Raw file and white balance

The high-end cameras can record an image in raw format. It is also known as raw file or raw data. It is equivalent to a database where all the colors are stored, and the photographers processed the image in post processing session as per his/her choice. It gives more flexibility to edit a raw image without hampering the original one.

white balance
white balance in multi-light system

Raw file, white balance and post processing

There are a number of world class editing software available which supports raw file format for post processing of an image. You can either adjust the temperature and green-magenta sliders (tint) until color casts are removed or you can simply click on a neutral reference within the image. A neutral reference image can help to produce same color temperature to other images.


In color theory color tint means a mixture of a color with white. It increases lightness. Color shade is the mixture of a color with black. It increases darkness of a color. Color tone is the mixture of a color either with gray color or combining the color with tint and shade.

Why white balance

Different source of light has different colors. Human eyes and brain are strong enough to detect the true color at ease. But, in camera, the light temperature may detect hue based on the color temperature. The reddish, dull yellow or orange shads might be included in a picture and produce an artificial hue in the composition. By adjusting the white balance setting of our digital camera, we can alter the required light or temperature to produce the most accurate colors in a digital image. In landscape photography the light is changing frequently. Watch the light and experienced it. Then set WB.

Interested to shoot with Kelvin

If you want to shoot with kelvin only as a pro, I repeat, need more experience with various lighting conditions and spent your valuable time at least 5-6 years to understand lighting condition of our nature every minute. Oh! you stick to kelvin only not AWB. Okay I hope the following statistic will help you to shoot an image with true color.

Remember two color balance conditions. For indoor it is 3200K and for outdoor it is 5500K. For example, if you want to shoot an indoor shot with candle lit and there is a lamp of 2800K, set your camera kelvin in 2800K. It will give you the true color.

white balance kelvin
Light source and color balance

Hence, if you want to use only kelvin, switch off AWB and print kelvin scale. Remember three color temperature which you may experience maximum time. They are daylight (5500K), shade (7500K) and tungsten (2850K). Now practice more and more. I hope the scale and practice gives you the flexibility to shoot your composition in any light condition and probe out the true color in your image.

Acknowledgement: Various photography websites, pexels and Mastin labs, sciencenotes



  1. Anjan Das says:

    Picture helps me to understand it clearly.

  2. Thank you for the tutorial

  3. Soumen Raha says:

    A depth knowledge work. Congrats.

  4. Anjan Ray says:

    Oh! I understand the kelvin and degree relationship. thank you for the information.

  5. Ranjan Bhattacharyya says:

    Lovely info

  6. Bibhor Das says:

    information is really required

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