Some glimpses of portraiture 2015


Hello! Members. How are you? Today I want to discuss about portraiture. It is not mandatory that you have to obey this as thumb rule but if you want to click portraiture, better to keep in mind the following portraiture observations.

1. Observe the light in environment. Light changes so fast, especially at dawn and dusk time for portraiture and landscape. Try to use the slanting light for your portrait. Same light is true for landscape. Understand the light which works in conjunction with the elements in your pictures.

2. Simple Background: A white or grey background is good for your subject. Overcrowded or gorgeous background turns your portrait pale.

3. Place: It should be quiet. Do not low your confidence when you shoot. Nearby people, client’s relative are trying to give you some good solutions all times, (they think so !! :) ) eliminate those. First put your thoughts in your frame and try to maintain a quiet and peaceful atmosphere for your wow portraiture shots.

4. Friendly personality: Try to maintain a friendly atmosphere. Be patient. Put your subject in a relax mood and settle down at ease. Tune music as he or she likes most. A relax and flexible client gives you more and more better portraiture shots.

5. Right Gear: Always carry good gears as much as you can afford. Because better gear, less problem.

6. Angle + Light + Frame: Observe your subject from various angles with respect to light. Frame the subject from various angles and when you are satisfied, stop clicking.

7. Sound Good :) : After clicking every shot say awesome, fantastic, superb etc. These words gains a lot of confidence of your subject. Next click will be really awesome.

8. Homework: Whenever you go for a shoot, previous days will be your practice session (theory or practical). Now a days you can explore internet about the type of your subject portraiture. Thousands of links will assist you for better photography.

9. Light: Use one light. A great set up is one light set above the subject’s head angled down so it throws interesting shadows underneath the chin. A bad light turns a good picture into a bad one. In natural light, avoid the hard light, prefer slanting light for your portraiture.

10. Profile: Do your homework about your client’s profile, his or her body language, profession etc. It help you a lot about the perfect portraiture of your client. A happy smile you can easily find at the time of delivery of your client.

11. Backup: Put all your clicks in an external HDD by creating a folder “Portraiture” and create a sub folder (example: 25122015_Biyas) where you put the images. Create another sub folder under the previous one and put your edited images. Folders may be written like date, venue and client’s name. For example:  25122015_hotel_taj_lobby_Biyas. Here 25122015 is ddMMYYYY. Do not put the image as DSC0569.

portrait of

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