How to take landscape photos


Landscape photography is the art of capturing of moments of nature and outdoors.

ORIGINALITY: Read the famous photo artists landscape pictures but do not try to inanimate it. A certain place which may return award winning shots for others but not for you. Do not get dishearten. Put your thoughts as per your heart says.

TIME: Golden time is 3.30 am to 8.00 am and 3.00 pm to 5.30 pm. Try to reach your place at least 30-45 minutes before your shooting time. These are the ultimate time for getting dramatic and vibrant landscape photography.

LEARN FROM OTHERS: Try to learn the experience of other photo artists from various forums or from your personal contact. It will help you a lot about your blind zone areas.

landscape photography

FLEXIBILITY: May be you think some shots prior to shoot, but those are not final clicks. Be flexible to do something different with what you have got.

FILTERS: Some special filters like graduated ND etc. gives an extra ordinary effect in landscape. Do not be low if you hardly purchase those costly filters. Try to make home made filters with tea bags, cellophane papers or post production software.

CARRY GEARS: Always carry more than one lens. Try to experiment with various lenses. Unexpected results can put a joyful smile in your face.

MONOCHROME: If you prefer monochorome, prefer to shoot at dawn than sunset. The light is often softer and the colours are more muted, which works better in black and white photography.

EXPERIMENT WITH LONG EXPOSURES: A late riser must invest in ND filter. Long exposure with ND creates a misty effect on water. But never ever try to over cooked the picture in post production.

RAW FORMAT: Try to shoot in raw formats. Set the camera screen in monochrome format. File is originally colorful but it displays in the screen software. It helps to train yourself the tonal quality of a frame.

STORAGE: Maintain proper folder and name the selected files with some description. Avoid DSC_0151. Instead of, edit it with long exposure at “Baikal_Lake530. Maintain a notepad with each folder about the details of your tour, especially the weather condition, breeze, light etc. It will helps you for your next same type of assignment for clients.


One Comment

  1. rohit aggarwal says:

    thanks for the information

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