Photography terms starting with Z


Zoom lens: A lens with variable focal length that allows photographers to adjust the magnification and field of view.

Zone focusing: A technique where the camera is set to a predetermined focusing distance, allowing for quick capturing of subjects within that distance.

Zeiss: A renowned German manufacturer of high-quality camera lenses and optics.

Zebra stripes: A feature in some cameras that displays diagonal stripes on the LCD screen to indicate areas of potential overexposure.

Zenith: The point directly overhead in the sky; often used in composition to refer to the highest part of an image or a subject.

Zeppelin: A remote-controlled airship used to capture aerial photographs or video footage.

Zoom burst: A creative technique where the zoom lens is adjusted during a long exposure, resulting in a dynamic and streaky effect.

Zorki: A series of 35mm rangefinder cameras manufactured in the Soviet Union during the mid-20th century.

Zebra glass: A type of textured glass used in some windows and filters to create interesting patterns and diffusion effects in photography.

Zone system: A photographic technique developed by Ansel Adams and Fred Archer for controlling exposure and achieving a desired range of tones in black and white photography.

Zoom lock: A feature found on some zoom lenses that allows photographers to lock the zoom mechanism at a specific focal length to prevent unintentional zooming.

Zonal mask: A tool used in post-processing to selectively apply adjustments to specific areas of an image, similar to a digital mask or overlay.

Zoom ratio: The ratio between the longest and shortest focal lengths of a zoom lens, indicating its zoom range.

Zone plate: A type of lensless photographic technique that uses a plate with concentric rings or zones to create soft and ethereal images.

Zoom creep: The unwanted movement of a zoom lens due to gravity or poor internal mechanisms, causing the focal length to change unintentionally.

Zone focusing: A technique where the camera is set to a predetermined focusing distance, allowing for quick capturing of subjects within that distance.

Zero distortion: Refers to a lens’s ability to render straight lines without any visible distortion, maintaining accurate proportions and shapes.

Zebra pattern: A visual pattern generated by some cameras to highlight areas of the image that may be overexposed.

Zen photography: A contemplative approach to photography that emphasizes mindfulness, presence, and capturing the essence of the moment.

Zone plate photography: A creative technique that uses a zone plate lens to capture ethereal and diffused images with a dreamy quality.


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