High Speed Photography


Hi! Friends. How are you? Today I am going to discuss about the high speed photography. There are certain things happen where we can only observe the first and last stage of the incident. It is quite common in our daily life. For example, a mango drops in the garden from tree or pinching a water balloon and the water came out on the floor. Therefore, I think to catch the every stages of such an incident and present to you. Our normal eyes and brain could not clasp the stages from first to last of a high-speed object. It is impossible to observe how a bullet come out from the gun and hit the target. We the normal human beings only hear the sound of the gun and then our eyes compel to stick to the target whether the bullet hit the perfect place or not.

high speed photography
Water holds the shape of balloon

Let us do an experiment with high speed to capture the stages or position of water after pinching the balloon with a safety pin.


  • Balloons
  • Water
  • Safety Pin
  • Solid or one coloured background
  • 4 – 5 folds thread
  • Assistant [Nandita from my side]

How to or the technique behind the high speed photography

Pour the water in a balloon. Fix the lip of the balloon on a tap and fill the water in it. When the balloon turns into bigger put one palm at the beneath of it and control the water from tap by other hand. Stop the tap when you are satisfied with the optimum size of the balloon.

Note: Do not forget to transfer water in the balloon in a medium range because there will be no support at the beneath of the balloon.

Now ask your assistant to pinch the balloon from lower part of it. Nandita gifted me a homemade pin affixing with a small screwdriver. It helps me a lot to hit the balloon and catch the perfect moment without Nandita’s hand.

Hang the balloon on a strong rope, Rooftop is a preferable place for me. You can experiment high speed photography or hitting the balloon in your room. But, dear photographer, I am not responsible for your day long scolding from your mother or sister or daughter or wife. Why? When you hit the balloon, water flows around the floor. So, be careful about it. If you think to clean the floor by yourself, I assure you that reprimand is an obligation incident from others in the house. Rooftop is a scolding free zone with good light.

Make a safe distance from the balloon and set your camera for high-speed photography.

Camera Specification:

  • Shutter speed: 1/2000s or 1/4000s or 1/8000s
  • Aperture: f/5.6 or f/8
  • ISO: 200-640 based on light condition

Go for continuous shutter speed. Ask your assistant to pinch the balloon. Start click when your assistant utter the word “Ready.” The balloon burst out and the water will be on the roof. Stop clicking. Try to capture more than one balloon. It will help you to recover the previous errors.

Ornamental balloon-1st phase

You will be astonished to find that when your assistant hit the balloon and it burst out, the water remain the same using the template of the balloon. But this stage is fraction of a second which simply ignore by your brain signal and eyes.

Hope you like my high-speed photography idea. I am waiting to see your awesome composition on high-speed photography. If you like my article and if you have any suggestion or doubt on the above topic, please do comment here or send me the message through contact us menu. All the very best.



  1. Asit Baran Tapadar says:

    This tutorial helps me a lot. thank you so much Sir

  2. Aparna Chatterjee says:

    Beyond words…great work ?

  3. wwwwwooooooowwwww bbbbbaaaaabbbbbaaaaaaaa

  4. Sanghita Bhattacharya says:

    Speechless Sir.

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