Hibiscus Blooming Time Lapse Video


Hello! Friends. How are you? Another time lapsed video for you as I promised. This video is based on Hibiscus flower blooming. I clicked 286 shots all over the night, starting from 6 pm to 6 am. The time duration for first 3 hours were one click per 10 minutes. Next 4 hours I clicked one shot per 5 minutes. Next shots were clicked per 3 minutes from 1 am to 3 am and the rest were clicked per minute, i.e. 3 am to 6 am. The batteries energy was drained very fast. But next time I have to click per minute.

Some sample images of hibiscus blooming

Hibiscus Blooming Time Lapse Video

Hope you may like my effort. Another surprise will be coming soon. Thank you for watching. I am waiting for your awesome time lapse video. Please do share. All the very best.



  1. Aparna Chatterjee says:

    Wow…I’m fascinated…..It’s blooming beautifully

  2. nandita chakrabarti says:

    absolutely beautiful

  3. Asmita Majumder says:

    Daruuunn hoiche sir..

  4. Sanghita Bhattacharya says:

    Superb sir…simply wow.

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