Abstract Photography

Abstract Photography
Abstract Photography

Abstract photography is all about the colours, curves, patterns, textures and forms instead of the details of a subject. It creates a special emotion to the viewers mind and the artist’s emotion can also be captured in detail. The photo-artist represents his/her exceptional view to the world about a general subject.
In abstract photography the form, colour, curve, contrast creates a strong perceptual sense of human beings for reacting about the subject.
For example, in sand dunes if you capture a little curve of sands, a drop of water in the leaf showing the curve and form, high contrast of the sky in sunrise or sunset time etc.
In abstract photography there are dimensions rarely seen in other media. Focus can add to the conceptual feel of abstracts by isolating parts of the subject through the use of blur. Good quality blur, bokeh, is the frosted-focus effect created by control of the Depth of field.

The other dimension is movement blur. It is not unique to photography. It is a however, an important factor for composition in photos. Blur tends not to be used to the same extent in other visual arts except maybe video.

Abstract Photography

Thank you Pexel for freely sharing these photographs. Thank you Frank Cone and Daria Shevtsova for these awestruck abstract pictures.


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